When you contact the school, please ask for Janine Robson who handles enrolment enquiries, or you are welcome to email us at [email protected]
We are happy to receive requests for enrolment forms via the phone, email or drop by the school office. We will then send out a link to our online enrolment form.
Once a term, the school hosts a pre-enrolment meeting for parents of pupils enrolling. Topics covered range from the organisation of the school, curriculum and assessment, helping your child settle into life at school, the role of the FONS group and the role of the Board. The meeting lasts for approximately one hour and is usually held from 9.15am-10.15am.
Out of Zone Enrolments
Each year The Board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the Home Zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.
Application for enrolment will be processed in the following order or priority.
First priority. This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary.
Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students
Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students
Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of The Board of the school or a child of a member of The Board of the school
Sixth priority must be given to all other applicants

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.
Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.
Annual School Parent Contribution
Every year the Board sets a “per pupil” parent contribution, to purchase additional materials essential to the running of the school. This money supplements the Government’s funding and goes towards such items as teacher aides, library books, instructional reading material and mathematics equipment. This contribution is currently set at $330.00. A compulsory $70.00 activity fee pays for school trips, shows/entertainers and visiting sport coaches.
Street Index
This file contains an index of streets included in the school zone. This is intended to provide a guideline to the school zone only, and the officially published zone will take precedence. Any enquiries about our zone should be directed to the administration staff.